Сьогодні 19 жовтня 2024 р.

Клопп – главный кандидат на пост наставника «Милана»

Руководство «Милана» рассматривает кандидатуру главного тренера дортмундской «Боруссии» Юргена Клоппа в качестве замены нынешнему наставнику красно-черных Филиппо Индзаги, сообщает Tuttosport.

Ранее в итальянских СМИ появилась информация о том, что в конце сезона «Милан» намерен уволить Индзаги и на его место пригласить нынешнего наставника «Фиорентины» Винченцо Монтеллу. Однако после того как сам специалист выразил желание остаться в своей нынешней команде, главным претендентом на пост стал 47-летний немец.

Как сообщает TMW, если «Милан» проиграет в предстоящем матче 26-го тура чемпионата Италии с «Вероной», то Индзаги будет отправлен в отставку.

4 березня 2015 21:18


Залишати коментарі можуть лише зареєстровані користувачі.

Реєстрація, Вхід

Doctor Who is now considered a British Institute and has come a long way since it first aired on November 23rd 1963. The very first show saw the Doctor travel 100,00 years into the past to help some dim cavemen discover light. After 26 seasons and seven Doctors later the series came off our screens in 1989 much to the disappointment of the huge devoted fanbase. In 1996 an attempt was made to revive Doctor Who but it wasnt until June 2005 when it came back with a vengeance with Christopher Eccleston as the ninth Doctor that put the series back on the map as it were. It then went on for 5 years with David Tenant portraying the Doctor until 2010 when Matt Smith took over the role. Today it is still a great family show and has attracted many new fans.

2017-12-03 07:23

No matter how you do it, losing weight is an individual thing. Friends can help you but they can't lose the weight for you. You've got to take charge of your weight loss from the beginning if you want to get serious about losing weight. The following tips will help.

2017-10-02 00:27

So, you think that you are an expert when it comes to the world of fitness, eh? You know how to work out effectively for your body? That's great, but you are far from done learning everything you need, on order to improve. Try looking at the tips below to find more to work on with your routine.

One way you can keep your fitness level up while on the go is to work your stomach out while driving. Simply tensing your stomach muscles for five count then relaxing, multiple times over the course of your commute will not only make the time pass quicker, but will help to tone that stomach in otherwise wasted time.

Do not be afraid to motivate yourself before a work-out. There is no audience and no judgment if you want to give yourself a little pep-talk on the way into the gym. The benefits are very real; when you exercise with positivity you work out more successfully. Tell yourself you are going to have a great work-out and you probably will.

Despite what some say about this, do not exercise on an empty stomach. You need fuel in order to exercise and also to avoid passing out which can be dangerous. Even something small, like some fruit and low-fat yogurt, can help make a big difference in your daily workout routine.

A great way to get fit is to consult with a professional bodybuilder. A lot of bodybuilders have their own web sites where they offer a service that gives you the opportunity to pay to have your own consultation with them. You can get their experienced advice on your diet and workout routine.

Staying fit isn't just a way to look good at the beach. It's an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Taking the time to exercise will make you feel as great as you look. Keep the tips in this article in mind, as you work to increase your level of fitness. They should make your workouts a lot easier.


2017-01-05 23:51


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